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Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník image 1

Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník

  • Operating hours: 01.04 - 31.10, 01.11 - 31.03 - currently in operation
  • AddressPOBOX 42 Malšova Lhota500 09 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic - Show on map


Ratings in detail

  • Tranquillity

  • Food / Shops

  • Overall cleanliness

  • Cleanliness of sanitary facilities

  • Friendliness

  • Infrastructure

  • Leisure activities

  • Location

  • Value for money

  • Sanitary facilities

Activities recommended by guests

CyclingCycling (2 Guests)
SwimmingSwimming (2 Guests)
HikingHiking (1 Guest)

(1 Guest)
(1 Guest)

Rated by guests as "Suitable for"

Guests with tents
Guests with dogs
Families with children under 12
Youth groups
Families with children under 18
Families with children under 6
Senior citizens



Rekreační areál Stříbrný rybník se nachází u největšího z rybníků rozprostřených v okolí města Hradce Králové. Areál nabízí příležitost pro klidnou rodinnou dovolenou uprostřed nádherné přírody na pomezí Přírodního parku řeky Orlice a Novohradeckých lesů.V kempu naleznete dostatečné zázemí pro …Vaši rekreaci. Kromě příjemného koupání můžete využít půjčovnu loděk a šlapadel a ještě více si zpříjemnit chvíle Vaší pěkně strávené dovolené. Stříbrný rybník oblévá malý poloostrov, který z jedné strany slouží jako nudistická pláž. Děti ocení především zdejší tobogán a dětský koutek, milovníky sportu zaujme hřiště na plážový volejbal nebo půjčovna kol. Večer lze zakončit příjemným posezením na zahrádce místní restaurace nebo využít k oslavě nově postavené tee-pee.
  • Campsite category:
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Operating hours

01. April - 31. October
01. November - 31. March


  • Lake: On site
  • River: 0.5 km
  • In the mountains: No
  • Next city: 1 km
  • Next town/village: 2 km
  • Train or bus station: 0.5 km


POBOX 42 Malšova Lhota 
500 09  Hradec Králové
Czech Republic
GPS Coordinates
Lat 50.20398, Long 15.89318
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Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník

Frequently asked questions

How far from the lake is Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník?
Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník is located directly at the lake. Learn more about the location
Are dogs allowed at the campsite Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník?
Dogs are allowed in high season, but not in low season. Guests rate Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník as "suitable for guests with dogs" with 5 out of 5. Read reviews in detail now
When is Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník open?
Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník is open from April 1 until October 31 and from November 1 until March 31. Show campsite details
Is Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník family friendly?
Guests rate Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník as particularly suitable for families with children under 6, 12 and 18 years. For leisure activities, the campsite Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník offers many possibilities, such as Playground, Outdoor pool and much more. In case of bad weather you can use the indoor pool (5 km away).

View all recreational opportunities
How do guests and other campers rate Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník?
Campers rate Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník 4 out of 5.

Guests rate the following properties particularly well: Friendliness, Leisure activities, Value for money

According to its guests Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník is particularly suitable for: Guests with tents and Guests with dogs

According to its guests Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník is ideal for: Cycling and Swimming

Read all camper reviews
Are there shopping facilities near Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník?
There is a grocery store directly on the campsite. The nearest town is 2 km away, the nearest city is 1 km away. Learn more about the location
How far is the nearest town or city from Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník?
The nearest town is 2 km away, the nearest city is 1 km away. You can reach a bus or train stop in 0.5 km. Learn more about the location
What food options does Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník offer?
Food is well taken care of, because there is a restaurant directly at the site. Furthermore, there is also a snack bar directly at the site.

For self-catering there is a grocery store directly at the site.

Overall, guests rate the food and beverage at the site 4 out of 5.

View all options in detail
Is there wifi or internet at the campsite Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník?
The campsite Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník offers wifi.
Is Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník barrier-free?
The sanitary facilities are barrier-free. View all campsite features
How many pitches does Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník have?
Unfortunately, the campsite Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník has not yet provided any information about tourist pitches. Send request now

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How big is Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník?
Unfortunately, the campsite Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník has not yet provided any information about the size, but you can also request the info directly from the site. Send request now

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How much does it cost to stay at Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník?
Unfortunately, the campsite Autocamp Stříbrný Rybník has not yet provided any information about prices, but you can also request the info directly from the site. Send request now

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