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Campeggio Le Mimose image 1

Campeggio Le Mimose


Ratings in detail

  • Tranquillity

  • Food / Shops

  • Overall cleanliness

  • Cleanliness of sanitary facilities

  • Condition of rental accommodation

  • Friendliness

  • Infrastructure

  • Leisure activities

  • Location

  • Value for money

  • Sanitary facilities

What guests write

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Sylvia P.
Stay: Jan 2014
" - Auf der Rückreise aus den Weihnachtsferien haben wir eine Nacht auf diesem Campingplatz verbracht. Eigentlich zufällig, da der von uns ursprünglich ausgewählte Platz doch nicht geöffnet hatte. Ein bisschen schwierig zu finden war er, der CP Mimose. Tipp: von Norden kommend erst nach dem Bahnhof bei einer der größeren Ampelkreuzungen eine Linksabbiegemöglichkeit suchen - dort ist dann auch super angeschrieben. Von Süden kommend - beim Ortsschild genau schauen. - Der Empfang war freundlich - an der Rezeption eine Italienerin mit Wiener Großmutter - Deutsch also kein Problem. Der Platz sieht sehr gepflegt aus - recht große Wiesenparzellen, durch Bäume und tw. auch Büsche voneinander abgegrenzt. Von der Lage her, soweit wir feststellen können, ganz nahe am Ort, und trotzdem direkt am Strand. Sanitär sauber, aber leider im Winter nicht beheizt, also etwas frisch. Im Behindertenabteil mit Dusche und WC gibt es jedoch einen Heizstrahler, der beim Schließen der Türe angeht. Leider wurde an dem Abend, an dem wir ankamen, der Warmwasserboiler kaputt - der Raum war etwas überschwemmt - also nur kalte Dusche. Es wurde nach Meldung unsererseits jedoch sofort mit der Reperatur begonnen. Begeistert hat uns das Restaurant - echte italienische Küche - die Pizza war zwar auch ausgezeichnet, aber die Karte schreit gerade danach, durchgekostet zu werden. Wir planen, im Sommer auf jeden Fall wiederzukommen - allein, um an der Promenade zu flanieren und auch dort die Restaurants durchzuprobieren.
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Activities recommended by guests

SwimmingSwimming (4 Guests)
StrollingLeisurely walks (3 Guests)
CyclingCycling (2 Guests)

(1 Guest)
(1 Guest)
(1 Guest)
(1 Guest)
(1 Guest)

Rated by guests as "Suitable for"

Families with children under 12
Senior citizens
Youth groups
Families with children under 6
Guests with tents
Families with children under 18
Guests with dogs



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Via Faleria 15
63018  Porto S. Elpidio
GPS Coordinates
Lat 43.23777, Long 13.77222
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Campeggio Le Mimose

Frequently asked questions

Are dogs allowed at the campsite Campeggio Le Mimose?
The campsite Campeggio Le Mimose has unfortunately not yet provided any information on whether dogs are allowed on the campsite, but you can request the info directly from the campsite. Send request now

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When is Campeggio Le Mimose open?
Unfortunately, the campsite Campeggio Le Mimose has not yet provided any information about its opening hours, but you can request the info directly from the campsite. Send request now

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Is Campeggio Le Mimose family friendly?
Unfortunately, the campsite Campeggio Le Mimose has not yet provided any information about recreational opportunities for children, but you can request the info directly from the campsite. Send request now

Guests rate Campeggio Le Mimose as especially suitable for
  • "Families with children under 6" with 2.7 out of 5 points
  • "Families with children under 12" with 3.2 out of 5 points
  • "Families with children under 18" with 2.4 out of 5 points

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How do guests and other campers rate Campeggio Le Mimose?
Campers rate Campeggio Le Mimose 3.2 out of 5.

According to its guests Campeggio Le Mimose is ideal for: Swimming and Leisurely walks

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Are there shopping facilities near Campeggio Le Mimose?
Sorry, the campsite Campeggio Le Mimose has not yet provided any details about shopping facilities, but you can request the info directly from the campsite. Send request now

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How far is the nearest town or city from Campeggio Le Mimose?
Unfortunately, the campsite Campeggio Le Mimose has not yet provided any distance information, but you can also request the info directly from the campsite. Send request now

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What food options does Campeggio Le Mimose offer?
Unfortunately, the campsite Campeggio Le Mimose has not yet provided any information about dining options, but you can request the info directly from the campsite. Send request now

Overall, guests rate the food and beverage at the site with 3 out of 5.

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Is there wifi or internet at the campsite Campeggio Le Mimose?
Unfortunately, the campsite Campeggio Le Mimose has not yet provided any information about Wifi, but you can request the info directly from the campsite. Send request now

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Is Campeggio Le Mimose barrier-free?
Unfortunately, the campsite Campeggio Le Mimose has not yet provided any information about accessibility, but you can also ask for the info directly from the campsite. Send request now

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How many pitches does Campeggio Le Mimose have?
Unfortunately, the campsite Campeggio Le Mimose has not yet provided any information about tourist pitches. Send request now

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How big is Campeggio Le Mimose?
Unfortunately, the campsite Campeggio Le Mimose has not yet provided any information about the size, but you can also request the info directly from the site. Send request now

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How much does it cost to stay at Campeggio Le Mimose?
Unfortunately, the campsite Campeggio Le Mimose has not yet provided any information about prices, but you can also request the info directly from the site. Send request now

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