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Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve

  • Operating hours: 03.04 - 03.01 - currently closed
  • AddressHoogenboomlaan 424325 DM Renesse, Netherlands - Show on map
  • RegionZeeland NorthRenesse



Ratings in detail

  • Tranquillity

  • Food / Shops

  • Overall cleanliness

  • Cleanliness of sanitary facilities

  • Condition of rental accommodation

  • Friendliness

  • Infrastructure

  • Leisure activities

  • Location

  • Value for money

  • Sanitary facilities

What guests write

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Jürgen K.
Stay: Mar 2024
"Great family campsite by the sea - We (2 adults and 2 children (12 and 11 years)) stayed at the campsite for 8 nights over Easter. We had a 90sqm comfort pitch (there are different categories) with water and drainage. The pitch was nice and level with a lawn and coped well with the fair amount of rain. Important: The "normal steel nails" do not hold in the ground - you can easily pull them out again - it is more like a large vacation park or vacation village with many bungalows or mobile homes, mainly about 90% German guests. Great infrastructure: really large supermarket, restaurant, indoor swimming pool with 2 great slides, indoor playground, restaurant, food corner, theater hall, several playgrounds, football/basketball court, etc. Every day (at least during the vacations when we were there) from morning to evening children's entertainment in German.the program for this is known early.very modern and clean sanitary facilities. It's only a short walk to the dunes and beach, which is really great, and overall it's super organized, which is necessary given its size, from arrival (booking system) to departure. Super friendly staff! They still make an effort for the camping guest (inquiries are answered quickly), which is unfortunately no longer a matter of course today. One small thing that we didn't like: time-limited shower tickets. 5 minutes per card per day. You have time pressure when showering in the morning and really have to hurry, water is saved here but in the toilet it feels like the toilet flushes 3-6 times involuntarily, automatically, while you are still sitting on it. And the Wi-Fi is really bad for such a great campsite, which was especially bad for our kids. But apart from that, we really, really liked it. We've already booked again!
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Activities recommended by guests

SwimmingSwimming (69 Guests)
CyclingCycling (66 Guests)
RelaxingRelaxing (48 Guests)

(38 Guests)
Horse riding
(21 Guests)
Leisurely walks
(17 Guests)
(14 Guests)
(10 Guests)
(6 Guests)
Mountain biking
(5 Guests)
(5 Guests)

Rated by guests as "Suitable for"

Families with children under 6
Families with children under 12
Guests with tents
Families with children under 18
Senior citizens
Youth groups
Guests with dogs



In 5 Minuten Laufabstand stehst Du mit Deinen nackten Füßen im Sand! Ein breiter Strand, um herrlich zu spielen, zu schwimmen und spazieren zu gehen. Sieh’ da, da schwimmt ein Seehund! Jung, Alt und Eltern genießen hier großartige Strandferien! Camping …Julianahoeve ist einer der schönsten Familien-Campings der Niederlande: immer sauber, vertraut und mit den allerneuesten Einrichtungen! Natürlich gehst Du mit Deiner ganzen Familie in unser Hallenbad. Wer traut sich auf die 80 Meter lange Rutschbahn? Die Kleinen spielen auf dem großen Indoor-Spielplatz und es gibt noch 5 Spielplätze für endlosen Spielspaß!! Für die größeren Kinder haben wir einen Fußballkäfig und die allerneuesten Games. Natürlich organisiert das professionelle Animationsteam die schönsten Aktivitäten! Und die Eltern? Ihr habt Urlaub und erholt Euch. Und welches Restaurant sucht Ihr heute Abend aus? Oder lieber etwas aus der Snackbar oder dem Supermarkt? Alles ist möglich Einen Tag kein Strandwetter? Entdeckt die Umgebung! Es gibt alles Mögliche zu tun! Unser Team zeigt Euch gerne und voller Stolz, was es alles zu entdecken gibt! Hast Du Angst vor Hunden? Hier sind Hunde verboten! Ich geh noch laaaaaaange nicht nach Hause!!
  • Campsite category:
  • Size of the site: 38 ha (Ground conditions: Grass)
  • Total number of pitches: 1558
  • Number of tourist pitches: 350
  • Motorhome pitches in front of the gates: 0
  • Stopover pitches in front of the gates also for caravans: Not available
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Reference price

Peak season €65.00*
Low season €43.00*
*Two adults, caravan, car, electricity and local taxes per night

Operating hours

03. April - 03. January




Aus Rotterdam kommend: Folgt der N57 Richtung Hellevoetsluis, Brielle und Middelburg. Am Ende diesen Weges biegt rechts ab in den Stoofweg. Diesen Weg fahrt Ihr durch bis zum Verteilerkreis. Nehmt die dritte Ausfahrt im Verteilerkreis und fahrt bis zum nächsten …Verteilerkreis. Hier nehmt Ihr die erste Ausfahrt. Folgt ab jetzt den Schildern Renesse West. Aus Breda kommmend: Folgt der A18/E19 Richtung Anschlusspunkt Klaverpolder. Im Anschlusspunkt Klaverpolder wechselt Ihr auf die A17/A59. Danach im Anschlusspunkt Kruishoek auf die A59 wechseln. Danach auf dem Anschlusspunkt Beneluxweg/Sabina/Zoomweg wechseln auf den Zoomweg A29/A59. Bei der Anschlussstelle Hellegatsplein rechts abfahren von der A29/A59, weiter auf die N59. Auf diesem Weg bleiben bis Zierikzee. Beim Verteilerkreis in Zierikzee die zweite Ausfahrt nehmen. Folgt der Straße bis zur ersten Ampel. Weiter geradeaus fahren und bei der nächsten Ampel rechts abbiegen auf den Stoofweg. Nehmt die erste Ausfahrt im Verteilerkreis bis zum nächsten Verteilerkreis. Hier nehmt Ihr die erste Ausfahrt. Folgt ab jetzt den Schildern Renesse West. Öffentlicher Personenverkehr: Nehmt ab Roosendaal den Intercity Richtung Vlissingen. Im Bahnhof Middelburg aussteigen. Am Busbahnhof nehmt Ihr die Linie 133 (Middelburg - Oude Tonge) bis "Renesse Transferium". Ab hier sind es 15 Minuten Fußweg bis Camping Julianahoeve.
  • Sea: On site
  • Next city: 1.5 km
  • Next town/village: 1.5 km
  • Train or bus station: 1.5 km


Hoogenboomlaan 42
4325 DM  Renesse
GPS Coordinates
Lat 51.7283, Long 3.75663
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Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve

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Frequently asked questions

How far from the sea is Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve?
Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve is located directly at the sea. There is also a nudist beach, which is 2 km away. Learn more about the location
Are dogs allowed at the campsite Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve?
Dogs are not allowed in high season and low season.

Search for other campsites in Zeeland that allow dogs
When is Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve open?
Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve is open from April 3 until January 3. Show campsite details
Is Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve family friendly?
Guests rate Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve as particularly suitable for families with children under 6, 12 and 18 years. For leisure activities, the campsite Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve offers many possibilities, such as Playground, Horse riding, Water slide, Kids entertainment programme and much more. In case of bad weather you can use the indoor pool (on site) and the indoor play facilities.

View all recreational opportunities
How do guests and other campers rate Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve?
Campers rate Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve 4.6 out of 5. This makes Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve one of the top rated campsites in federal state Zeeland.

Guests rate the following properties particularly well: Friendliness, Location, Overall cleanliness

According to its guests Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve is particularly suitable for: Families with children under 6 and Families with children under 12

According to its guests Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve is ideal for: Swimming and Cycling

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Are there shopping facilities near Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve?
There is a grocery store directly on the campsite. In addition, Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve offers a bread service directly at the site. The nearest town is 1.5 km away, the nearest city is 1.5 km away. Learn more about the location
How far is the nearest town or city from Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve?
The nearest town is 1.5 km away, the nearest city is 1.5 km away. You can reach a bus or train stop in 1.5 km. Learn more about the location
What food options does Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve offer?
Food is well taken care of, because there is a restaurant directly at the site. Furthermore, there is also a snack bar directly at the site.

With the bread service directly at the site you can start the day relaxed.

For self-catering there is a grocery store directly at the site. Real barbecue fans may even fire up the charcoal grill.

Overall, guests rate the food and beverage at the site 4.5 out of 5.

By the way, gas bottles can be exchanged directly at the site.

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Is there wifi or internet at the campsite Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve?
The campsite Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve offers wifi. This is free. In addition, there is an Internet terminal on site.
Is Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve barrier-free?
Most of the paths at campsite Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve are paved. Ramps are available for wheelchair users. The sanitary facilities are barrier-free. Nothing stands in the way of swimming fun, because access to the water is barrier-free. View all campsite features
How many pitches does Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve have?
Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve has 350 pitches for tourists and 1208 pitches for permanent campers.

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How big is Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve?
Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve has a size of 38 hectares. Ground condition is: Grass

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How much does it cost to stay at Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve?
An overnight stay at Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve costs €43.00 - €65.00, but prices vary depending on the chosen period, guests, etc. At you can send a no-obligation request to Camping & Beachresort Julianahoeve to find out current prices and availability. Send request now