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Camping Le Fleuri

  • Operating hours: 01.03 - 31.10 - currently in operation
  • Addressroute de Névez kurz vor Névez29910 Trégunc, France - Show on map
  • RegionFinistèreAtlantic




Der Campingplatz für Naturfreunde: inmitten wunderschöner Landschaft, nur 4 km zu Sandstränden. Ruhig, grosse mit Blütenbüschen umsäumte Stellplätze. Moderne Sanitäranlagen. Günstige Preise: Stellplatz für 2 Personen ab 9 Euros (bis Ende Juni) Reiches kulturelles Programm (keltische Festivals, Besichtigung historischer Städte …und Schlösser, Wanderungen der Küste entlang), Wassersport, Segel- und Surfschulen. Einkaufszentren in der Nähe. Wir vermieten auch Mobilheime. Besuchen Sie unsere Internetseite (französisch)
  • Campsite category:
  • Size of the site: 4 ha (Ground conditions: Grass)
  • Total number of pitches: 90
  • Number of tourist pitches: 40 (Of which parcels: 40)
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Reference price

Peak season €16.24*
*Two adults, caravan, car, electricity and local taxes per night

Operating hours

01. March - 31. October


  • Sea: 4 km
  • River: 4 km
  • Next city: 14 km
  • Next town/village: 0.3 km


route de Névez kurz vor Névez
29910  Trégunc
GPS Coordinates
Lat 47.82813, Long -3.80195
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Camping Le Fleuri

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Frequently asked questions

How far from the sea is Camping Le Fleuri?
Camping Le Fleuri is 4 km away from the sea. Learn more about the location
Are dogs allowed at the campsite Camping Le Fleuri?
Dogs are allowed in high season and low season.
When is Camping Le Fleuri open?
Camping Le Fleuri is open from March 1 until October 31. Show campsite details
Is Camping Le Fleuri family friendly?
For leisure activities, the campsite Camping Le Fleuri offers many possibilities, such as Playground and much more.

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How do guests and other campers rate Camping Le Fleuri?
Are there shopping facilities near Camping Le Fleuri?
There is a grocery store 0.6 km away. The nearest town is 0.3 km away, the nearest city is 14 km away. Learn more about the location
How far is the nearest town or city from Camping Le Fleuri?
The nearest town is 0.3 km away, the nearest city is 14 km away. Learn more about the location
What food options does Camping Le Fleuri offer?
Food is well taken care of, because there is a restaurant in 3 km distance.

For self-catering there is a grocery store at a distance of 0.6 km.

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Is there wifi or internet at the campsite Camping Le Fleuri?
The campsite Camping Le Fleuri unfortunately does not offer wifi.
Is Camping Le Fleuri barrier-free?
The sanitary facilities are barrier-free. View all campsite features
How many pitches does Camping Le Fleuri have?
Camping Le Fleuri has 40 pitches for tourists and 50 pitches for permanent campers.

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How big is Camping Le Fleuri?
Camping Le Fleuri has a size of 4 hectares. Ground condition is: Grass

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How much does it cost to stay at Camping Le Fleuri?
An overnight stay at Camping Le Fleuri costs from €16.24, but prices vary depending on the chosen period, guests, etc. At you can send a no-obligation request to Camping Le Fleuri to find out current prices and availability. Send request now