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Campingplatz Jungferweiher

  • Operating hours: 01.03 - 31.10 - currently in operation
  • AddressAm Jungferweiher 456766 Ulmen, Germany - Show on map
  • RegionHunsrückEifel


Ratings in detail

  • Tranquillity

  • Food / Shops

  • Overall cleanliness

  • Cleanliness of sanitary facilities

  • Condition of rental accommodation

  • Friendliness

  • Infrastructure

  • Leisure activities

  • Location

  • Value for money

  • Sanitary facilities

What guests write

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Sigrid und Erik A.
Stay: Jul 2020
"We had a very nice vacation! - We felt very comfortable from the very first minute. After a 7-hour journey, we received a very friendly and humorous welcome from the manager, and we were given a pitch with a fantastic view of the pond for our motorhome and our two motorcycles. In times of Corona, the conditions here were also very well observed, which was not the case at other campsites in the area, as we saw on our motorcycle tours! The operator personally checked on the well-being of his guests several times a day. If there is anything to criticize, then at most the infrastructure at the campsite. Unfortunately, there is no store where you can buy anything - at least bread would be nice! The bistro is being renovated, unfortunately we didn't notice anything going on during the 14 days. But since there is a bakery, a butcher's shop and a supermarket in the immediate vicinity, this is bearable. The sanitary facilities are very basic but clean, but could definitely be a bit bigger. The vending machine for hot water when showering (1 or 2 euros) is also not up to date, because I think very few people shower for 10 or 20 minutes. The location of the campsite is very nice and quiet despite the proximity to the highway. If you're looking for nature and relaxation, you'll find it here! But also those who want to do something will get their money's worth, because the site is the starting point for many beautiful motorcycle tours, bike tours or hikes, excursions to the surrounding area (Moselle!) can be made without using your own car, because the train and bus stations are only a few minutes' walk from the campsite. The low price is unbeatable! I have to stress Corona again, because many operators are using this difficult time to recoup what they have lost so far by excessive price increases. That's not the case here and we hope it stays that way. Bravo!
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Activities recommended by guests

CyclingCycling (8 Guests)
HikingHiking (8 Guests)
RelaxingRelaxing (8 Guests)

Leisurely walks
(5 Guests)
(3 Guests)
(2 Guests)
(2 Guests)
Mountain biking
(2 Guests)
Cross-country skiing
(1 Guest)
(1 Guest)
(1 Guest)

Rated by guests as "Suitable for"

Senior citizens
Guests with tents
Guests with dogs
Families with children under 12
Families with children under 6
Families with children under 18
Youth groups



Landschaftlich reizvoll am Rand des Jungferweihers gelegen bietet der Campingplatz einen erholsamen Urlaub in waldreicher Umgebung. Neben einer klassischen Liegewiese für Zelte bietet der Platz noch freie Flächen für Dauercamper. Urlaub im Mobilheim ist ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis. Sie können …die Schönheit der Natur während Ihres Urlaubs hautnah genießen und haben gleichzeitig eine komfortable Unterkunft. Urlaub in Mobilheimen ermöglicht besonders hohe Flexibilität für die schönsten Tage im Jahr. Schlafzimmer, Wohnküche und Terrasse – Sie können sich mit Ihrer ganzen Familie bequem einrichten und genießen dennoch das Flair von Camping. Mit unseren modern ausgestatteten Mobilheimen fühlen Sie sich auch bei Ihrem Camping- Urlaub wie Zuhause. Denn die Mobilheime verfügen über Dusche & WC, einen Aufenthaltsbereich mit, einer modernen Küche und vieles mehr.
  • Campsite category:
  • Size of the site: 1.3 ha (Ground conditions: Grass)
  • Total number of pitches: 61
  • Number of tourist pitches: 30 (Of which parcels: 30)
  • Motorhome pitches in front of the gates: Not available
  • Stopover pitches in front of the gates also for caravans: Not available
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Reference price

Peak season €17.00*
*Two adults, caravan, car, electricity and local taxes per night

Operating hours

01. March - 31. October




Autobahn A48 zwischen Trier und Koblenz Abfahrt Ulmen Kreisverkehr dritte Ausfahrt Richtung Jungferweiher den Schildern folgen !
  • Lake: 0.3 km
  • Height (above sea level): 450 m
  • Next town/village: 0.3 km
  • Motorway exit: 0.8 km


Am Jungferweiher 4
56766  Ulmen
GPS Coordinates
Lat 50.21777, Long 6.97343
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Campingplatz Jungferweiher

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Frequently asked questions

How far from the lake is Campingplatz Jungferweiher?
Campingplatz Jungferweiher is 0.3 km away from the lake. Learn more about the location
Are dogs allowed at the campsite Campingplatz Jungferweiher?
Dogs are allowed in high season and low season. Dogs are also allowed in rental accommodations. Guests rate Campingplatz Jungferweiher as "suitable for guests with dogs" with 4.8 out of 5. Read reviews in detail now
When is Campingplatz Jungferweiher open?
Campingplatz Jungferweiher is open from March 1 until October 31. Check availabilities now
Is Campingplatz Jungferweiher family friendly?
Guests rate Campingplatz Jungferweiher as particularly suitable for families with children under 6 and 12 years. In case of bad weather you can use the indoor pool (10 km away).

View all recreational opportunities
How do guests and other campers rate Campingplatz Jungferweiher?
Campers rate Campingplatz Jungferweiher 4.5 out of 5.

Guests rate the following properties particularly well: Condition of rental accommodation, Friendliness, Location

According to its guests Campingplatz Jungferweiher is particularly suitable for: Couples and Senior citizens

According to its guests Campingplatz Jungferweiher is ideal for: Cycling and Hiking

Read all camper reviews
Are there shopping facilities near Campingplatz Jungferweiher?
There is a grocery store 0.3 km away. The nearest town is 0.3 km away. Learn more about the location
How far is the nearest town or city from Campingplatz Jungferweiher?
The nearest town is 0.3 km away. The nearest highway exit is 0.8 km away. Learn more about the location
What food options does Campingplatz Jungferweiher offer?
Food is well taken care of, because there is a restaurant directly at the site.

For self-catering there is a grocery store at a distance of 0.3 km. Real barbecue fans may even fire up the charcoal grill.

Overall, guests rate the food and beverage at the site 4.1 out of 5.

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Is there wifi or internet at the campsite Campingplatz Jungferweiher?
Unfortunately, the campsite Campingplatz Jungferweiher has not yet provided any information about Wifi, but you can request the info directly from the campsite. Send request now

Search for other campsites in Rhineland-Palatinate that offer Wifi
Is Campingplatz Jungferweiher barrier-free?
Most of the paths at campsite Campingplatz Jungferweiher are paved. The sanitary facilities are barrier-free. View all campsite features
How many pitches does Campingplatz Jungferweiher have?
Campingplatz Jungferweiher has 30 pitches for tourists and 31 pitches for permanent campers.

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How big is Campingplatz Jungferweiher?
Campingplatz Jungferweiher has a size of 1.3 hectares. Ground condition is: Grass

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How much does it cost to stay at Campingplatz Jungferweiher?
An overnight stay at Campingplatz Jungferweiher costs from €17.00, but prices vary depending on the chosen period, guests, etc. At you can enter your travel dates to see current prices and availability.

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