Ferienpark Westheide
- Operating hours: 01.01 - 31.12 - currently in operation
- Address: Altenberger Straße 23, 48268 Greven, Germany - Show on map
- Region: MünsterlandEmsland, Middle Weser Region
- Website:
Ratings in detail
- Tranquillity4.1
- Food / Shops3.4
- Overall cleanliness4.4
- Cleanliness of sanitary facilities4.1
- Condition of rental accommodation4.4
- Friendliness4.0
- Infrastructure4.1
- Leisure activities3.9
- Location4.3
- Value for money4.3
- Sanitary facilities4.0
Activities recommended by guests
(8 Guests)Swimming
(5 Guests)Fishing
(3 Guests)Leisurely walks
(3 Guests)Food/Drink
(1 Guest)Diving
(1 Guest)Sightseeing
(1 Guest)Rated by guests as "Suitable for"
Guests with tents
Guests with dogs
Families with children under 6
Senior citizens
Families with children under 12
Families with children under 18
Youth groups
Unser ländlich gelegener Ferienpark bietet Ihnen mit seinem Campingplatz auf 4-Sterne-Neveau und der Ferienhaussiedlung, sowie dem Westeroder See verschiedenste Möglichkeiten einen erholsamen Urlaub zu verbringen. Seit inzwischen mehr als 50 Jahren haben wir es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht unseren Gästen …
- Campsite category:
- Size of the site: 4 ha (Ground conditions: Grass)
- Total number of pitches: 230
- Number of tourist pitches: 35 (Of which parcels: 20)
- Motorhome pitches in front of the gates: 0
- Stopover pitches in front of the gates also for caravans: Not available
Reference price
Peak season €28.50*
Low season €28.50*
*Two adults, caravan, car, electricity and local taxes per night
Operating hours
01. January - 31. December

Aus Richtung Süden: BAB A1 Abfahrt Münster-Nord auf die B54A-Richtung Steinfurt; Abfahrt Altenberge – Richtung Greven. Der Ferienpark befindet sich ca. 5 km hinter dem Ortsausgang von Altenberge. Campinghinweisschild rechts abbiegen. Aus Richtung Norden: BAB A1 Abfahrt Greven, Richtung Greven, …
- Lake: On site
- River: 4 km
- In the mountains: No
- Next city: 4.5 km
- Next town/village: 4.5 km
- Train or bus station: 1 km
Altenberger Straße 23
48268 Greven GermanyGPS Coordinates
Lat 52.0833, Long 7.5579
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Ferienpark Westheide
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Frequently asked questions
How far from the lake is Ferienpark Westheide?
Ferienpark Westheide is located directly at the lake. Learn more about the location
Are dogs allowed at the campsite Ferienpark Westheide?
Dogs are allowed in high season and low season. Dogs are also allowed in rental accommodations. Guests rate Ferienpark Westheide as "suitable for guests with dogs" with 4.6 out of 5. Read reviews in detail now
When is Ferienpark Westheide open?
Ferienpark Westheide is open from January 1 until December 31. Show campsite details
Is Ferienpark Westheide family friendly?
Guests rate Ferienpark Westheide as particularly suitable for families with children under 6 and 12 years. For leisure activities, the campsite Ferienpark Westheide offers many possibilities, such as Playground, Horse riding, Outdoor pool, Water slide, Kids entertainment programme and much more. In case of bad weather you can use the indoor pool (4.3 km away).
View all recreational opportunities
View all recreational opportunities
How do guests and other campers rate Ferienpark Westheide?
Campers rate Ferienpark Westheide 4 out of 5.
Guests rate the following properties particularly well: Overall cleanliness, Condition of rental accommodation, Location
According to its guests Ferienpark Westheide is particularly suitable for: Guests with tents and Guests with dogs
According to its guests Ferienpark Westheide is ideal for: Cycling and Horse riding
Read all camper reviews
Guests rate the following properties particularly well: Overall cleanliness, Condition of rental accommodation, Location
According to its guests Ferienpark Westheide is particularly suitable for: Guests with tents and Guests with dogs
According to its guests Ferienpark Westheide is ideal for: Cycling and Horse riding
Read all camper reviews
Are there shopping facilities near Ferienpark Westheide?
There is a grocery store 4.2 km away. In addition, during the high season, Ferienpark Westheide offers a bread service directly at the site. The nearest town is 4.5 km away, the nearest city is 4.5 km away. Learn more about the location
How far is the nearest town or city from Ferienpark Westheide?
The nearest town is 4.5 km away, the nearest city is 4.5 km away. You can reach a bus or train stop in 1 km. Learn more about the location
What food options does Ferienpark Westheide offer?
Food is well taken care of, because there is a restaurant in 1 km distance. Furthermore, there is also a snack bar at a distance of 1 km.
With the bread service directly at the site (only in high season) you can start the day relaxed.
For self-catering there is a grocery store at a distance of 4.2 km as well as cooking facilities on the site. Real barbecue fans may even fire up the charcoal grill.
Overall, guests rate the food and beverage at the site 3.4 out of 5.
By the way, gas bottles can be exchanged directly at the site. And those who want to borrow a table or benches can also do so on site.
View all options in detail
With the bread service directly at the site (only in high season) you can start the day relaxed.
For self-catering there is a grocery store at a distance of 4.2 km as well as cooking facilities on the site. Real barbecue fans may even fire up the charcoal grill.
Overall, guests rate the food and beverage at the site 3.4 out of 5.
By the way, gas bottles can be exchanged directly at the site. And those who want to borrow a table or benches can also do so on site.
View all options in detail
Is there wifi or internet at the campsite Ferienpark Westheide?
The campsite Ferienpark Westheide offers wifi. In addition, there is an Internet terminal on site.
Is Ferienpark Westheide barrier-free?
Most of the paths at campsite Ferienpark Westheide are paved. Ramps are available for wheelchair users. The sanitary facilities are barrier-free. View all campsite features
How many pitches does Ferienpark Westheide have?
Ferienpark Westheide has 35 pitches for tourists and 195 pitches for permanent campers.
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View all campsite information now
How big is Ferienpark Westheide?
Ferienpark Westheide has a size of 4 hectares. Ground condition is: Grass
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View all campsite information now
How much does it cost to stay at Ferienpark Westheide?
An overnight stay at Ferienpark Westheide costs from €28.50, but prices vary depending on the chosen period, guests, etc. At you can send a no-obligation request to Ferienpark Westheide to find out current prices and availability. Send request now