Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse
- Operating hours: 25.03 - 02.10 - currently closed
- Address: Markslagweg 6, 7481 RE Haaksbergen, Netherlands - Show on map
- Region: TwenteMünsterland
Het kampeerterrein ligt in een bosachtige omgeving, aan de rand van het natuurgebied "het Witteveen". Een uitstekend uitgangspunt voor het maken van wandelingen en fietstochten. Buurse ligt aan de grens met Duitsland. Vlak over de grens kunt u uitstekend tercht …
- Campsite category:
- Size of the site: 15 ha
- Total number of pitches: 60
- Number of tourist pitches: 28 (Of which parcels: 28)
- Motorhome pitches in front of the gates: Not available
- Stopover pitches in front of the gates also for caravans: Not available
Reference price
Peak season €14.55*
*Two adults, caravan, car, electricity and local taxes per night
Operating hours
25. March - 02. October

Komende vanuit Deventer: A1 ri. Enschede volgen. Bij afslag 25 Buurse volgen. Na 800 m. rechts, Buurserstraat, gaat over in Broekheurnerweg. Na 4,9 km links ( in bocht), Braamweg. Na 2 km links,Markslagweg. Volg bord camping "De Meene". Komende vanuit …
- In the mountains: No
- Next city: 8 km
- Next town/village: 4 km
- Train or bus station: 0.5 km
Markslagweg 6
7481 RE Haaksbergen NetherlandsGPS Coordinates
Lat 52.13917, Long 6.85544
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Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse
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Frequently asked questions
Are dogs allowed at the campsite Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse?
Dogs are allowed in high season and low season.
When is Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse open?
Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse is open from March 25 until October 2. Show campsite details
Is Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse family friendly?
For leisure activities, the campsite Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse offers many possibilities, such as Playground, Outdoor pool and much more. In case of bad weather you can use the indoor pool (8 km away).
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View all recreational opportunities
How do guests and other campers rate Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse?
Campsite Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse has not been rated by other campers yet.
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Are there shopping facilities near Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse?
There is a grocery store 2 km away. The nearest town is 4 km away, the nearest city is 8 km away. Learn more about the location
How far is the nearest town or city from Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse?
The nearest town is 4 km away, the nearest city is 8 km away. You can reach a bus or train stop in 0.5 km. Learn more about the location
What food options does Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse offer?
There is a snack bar 2 km away.
For self-catering there is a grocery store at a distance of 2 km.
View all options in detail
For self-catering there is a grocery store at a distance of 2 km.
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Is there wifi or internet at the campsite Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse?
The campsite Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse unfortunately does not offer wifi.
Is Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse barrier-free?
The sanitary facilities are not barrier-free. View all campsite features
How many pitches does Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse have?
Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse has 28 pitches for tourists and 32 pitches for permanent campers.
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View all campsite information now
How big is Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse?
How much does it cost to stay at Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse?
An overnight stay at Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse costs from €14.55, but prices vary depending on the chosen period, guests, etc. At you can send a no-obligation request to Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse to find out current prices and availability. Send request now
Does Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse accept the CampingCard ACSI?
Kampeerterrein "De Meene" in Buurse accepts CampingCard ACSI in the following periods:
You don't have a CampingCard ACSI yet? Buy now
- 04/01/2025 to 04/17/2025
- 05/06/2025 to 05/28/2025
- 06/10/2025 to 07/04/2025
- 08/31/2025 to 10/01/2025
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