Le Grand Corseau
- Operating hours: 01.04 - 01.10 - currently closed
- Address: Route de la Grande Côte, Le Grand Corseau, 85550 La Barre Des Monts, France - Show on map
- Region: VendéeNorth - VendéeAtlantic
C’est au cœur de la splendide forêt domaniale des Pays de Monts en Vendée, dans un domaine de 8 ha, que le camping Le Grand Corseau *** est aménagé. À seulement 400 mètres de l’océan, au pied du pont de …
- Campsite category:
- Size of the site: 8 ha (Ground conditions: Sand)
- Total number of pitches: 362
Reference price
Operating hours
01. April - 01. October
- Sea: 0.3 km
- Next town/village: 1.5 km
- Train or bus station: 1.5 km
Route de la Grande Côte, Le Grand Corseau
85550 La Barre Des Monts FranceGPS Coordinates
Lat 46.88312, Long -2.14722
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Le Grand Corseau
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Frequently asked questions
How far from the sea is Le Grand Corseau?
Le Grand Corseau is 0.3 km away from the sea. Learn more about the location
Are dogs allowed at the campsite Le Grand Corseau?
The campsite Le Grand Corseau has unfortunately not yet provided any information on whether dogs are allowed on the campsite, but you can request the info directly from the campsite. Send request now
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Search for other campsites in Pays de la Loire that allow dogs
When is Le Grand Corseau open?
Le Grand Corseau is open from April 1 until October 1. Check availabilities now
Is Le Grand Corseau family friendly?
Unfortunately, the campsite Le Grand Corseau has not yet provided any information about recreational opportunities for children, but you can request the info directly from the campsite. Send request now
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Search for other family-friendly campsites in Pays de la Loire
How do guests and other campers rate Le Grand Corseau?
Campsite Le Grand Corseau has not been rated by other campers yet.
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Are there shopping facilities near Le Grand Corseau?
Sorry, the campsite Le Grand Corseau has not yet provided any details about shopping facilities, but you can request the info directly from the campsite. Send request now
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Search for other campsites in Pays de la Loire with shopping facilities
How far is the nearest town or city from Le Grand Corseau?
The nearest town is 1.5 km away. You can reach a bus or train stop in 1.5 km. Learn more about the location
What food options does Le Grand Corseau offer?
Unfortunately, the campsite Le Grand Corseau has not yet provided any information about dining options, but you can request the info directly from the campsite. Send request now
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Search for other campsites with restaurant in Pays de la Loire
Is there wifi or internet at the campsite Le Grand Corseau?
Unfortunately, the campsite Le Grand Corseau has not yet provided any information about Wifi, but you can request the info directly from the campsite. Send request now
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Search for other campsites in Pays de la Loire that offer Wifi
Is Le Grand Corseau barrier-free?
Unfortunately, the campsite Le Grand Corseau has not yet provided any information about accessibility, but you can also ask for the info directly from the campsite. Send request now
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Search for other campsites in Pays de la Loire
How many pitches does Le Grand Corseau have?
Unfortunately, the campsite Le Grand Corseau has not yet provided any information about tourist pitches. Send request now
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Search for other campsites in Pays de la Loire
How big is Le Grand Corseau?
Le Grand Corseau has a size of 8 hectares. Ground condition is: Sand
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View all campsite information now
How much does it cost to stay at Le Grand Corseau?
An overnight stay at Le Grand Corseau costs €19.60 - €30.90, but prices vary depending on the chosen period, guests, etc. At you can enter your travel dates to see current prices and availability.
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Enter your travel dates now and view current prices
Does Le Grand Corseau accept the CampingCard ACSI?
Le Grand Corseau accepts CampingCard ACSI in the following periods:
You don't have a CampingCard ACSI yet? Buy now
- 04/04/2025 to 07/06/2025
- 08/23/2025 to 10/03/2025
You don't have a CampingCard ACSI yet? Buy now