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Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein image 1

Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein


Ratings in detail

  • Tranquillity

  • Food / Shops

  • Overall cleanliness

  • Cleanliness of sanitary facilities

  • Friendliness

  • Infrastructure

  • Leisure activities

  • Location

  • Value for money

  • Sanitary facilities

What guests write

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Activities recommended by guests

CyclingCycling (6 Guests)
RelaxingRelaxing (6 Guests)
FishingFishing (5 Guests)

(5 Guests)
(5 Guests)
(4 Guests)
(3 Guests)
(1 Guest)
(1 Guest)
Leisurely walks
(1 Guest)

Rated by guests as "Suitable for"

Guests with tents
Guests with dogs
Families with children under 12
Families with children under 6
Senior citizens
Families with children under 18
Youth groups



Der kleine und familiär geführte Campingplatz Germania in Obrigheim-Mörtelstein liegt an einem Waldrand, direkt am Ufer des Neckars, und ist vom 1. April bis 30. Oktober geöffnet. Neben den sanitären Anlagen mit Dusche und WC sind sowohl eine Waschmaschine als …auch ein Trockner vorhanden. Darüber hinaus befindet sich auf dem Gelände eine Gaststätte mit Biergarten, von dem aus sich ein herrlicher Blick auf den Fluss eröffnet. Dank seiner Lage am Wasser kann der Campingplatz Germania außerdem mit einer eigenen Slipanlage sowie einem 200 m langen Bootssteg aufwarten, so dass sich hier u. a. Kanuten sowie Angler besonders wohlfühlen. Kinder zieht es zudem häufig auf den platzeigenen Kinderspielplatz. Gleichzeitig bietet sich dieser Campingplatz in der Ferienregion Neckartal-Odenwald sowohl als Basis für Touren auf dem Neckarradwanderweg wie auch als Ausgangspunkt für diverse Tagesausflüge an: Unter den Zielen in der näheren Umgebung finden sich beispielsweise das Auto & Technik Museum in Sinsheim oder die Burg Guttenberg, auf der man faszinierende Greifvogel-Flugvorführungen besuchen kann.
  • Size of the site: 1.2 ha (Ground conditions: Grass)
  • Total number of pitches: 65
  • Number of tourist pitches: 25
  • Motorhome pitches in front of the gates: 0
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Reference price

Peak season €33.00*
Low season €33.00*
*Two adults, caravan, car, electricity and local taxes per night

Operating hours

01. April - 03. October




Mühlwiese 1
74847  Obrigheim-Mörtelstein
GPS Coordinates
Lat 49.36421, Long 9.05082
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Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein

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Frequently asked questions

How far from the river is Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein?
Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein is located directly at the river. Learn more about the location
Are dogs allowed at the campsite Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein?
Dogs are allowed in high season and low season. Guests rate Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein as "suitable for guests with dogs" with 4.2 out of 5. Read reviews in detail now
When is Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein open?
Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein is open from April 1 until October 3. Show campsite details
Is Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein family friendly?
Guests rate Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein as particularly suitable for families with children under 6 and 12 years. For leisure activities, the campsite Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein offers many possibilities, such as Playground, Outdoor pool and much more.

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How do guests and other campers rate Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein?
Campers rate Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein 4 out of 5. This makes Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein one of the top rated campsites in region Neckar.

Guests rate the following properties particularly well: Friendliness, Food / Shops, Location

According to its guests Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein is particularly suitable for: Guests with tents and Couples

According to its guests Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein is ideal for: Cycling and Relaxing

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Are there shopping facilities near Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein?
There is a grocery store 4 km away. In addition, Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein offers a bread service directly at the site. Learn more about the location
How far is the nearest town or city from Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein?
Unfortunately, the campsite Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein has not yet provided any distance information, but you can also request the info directly from the campsite. Send request now

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What food options does Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein offer?
There is a snack bar directly at the site (open from April 1 to October 31).

With the bread service directly at the site you can start the day relaxed.

For self-catering there is a grocery store at a distance of 4 km. Real barbecue fans may even fire up the charcoal grill.

Overall, guests rate the food and beverage at the site 4.6 out of 5.

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Is there wifi or internet at the campsite Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein?
The campsite Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein offers wifi. This is free.
Is Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein barrier-free?
Unfortunately, the campsite Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein has not yet provided any information about accessibility, but you can also ask for the info directly from the campsite. Send request now

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How many pitches does Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein have?
Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein has 25 pitches for tourists and 40 pitches for permanent campers.

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How big is Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein?
Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein has a size of 1.2 hectares. Ground condition is: Grass

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How much does it cost to stay at Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein?
An overnight stay at Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein costs from €33.00, but prices vary depending on the chosen period, guests, etc. At you can send a no-obligation request to Waldcampingplatz Germania Mörtelstein to find out current prices and availability. Send request now