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Autocamping Vadas


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  • Čistota sanitárnych zariadení

  • Stav prenajatého ubytovania

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  • Umiestnenie

  • Hodnota za peniaze

  • Sanitárne zariadenia

Čo píšu hostia

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Andrej M.
Pobyt: Aug 2018
"všetky predošlé komentáre sú pravdivé, realita je však ešte horšia - Neviem ani kde začať, aby som zhodnotil svoj pobyt s manželkou a 7 a 3 ročným dieťaťom. Stan sme si postavili bez nejakého vyznačeného miesta, večer sme zistili, že po 22hod sa nám 3 metre od stanu zapla vysokovýkonná LED lampa a vstane bolo svetlo ako cez deň. Po stažnosti nám bolo povedané, že to nieje naša starosť! S trochou nadsádzky sa takýmto spôsobom sa v minulosti mučili väzni. Diskotéka oficiálne cez týždeň končila o 23:00, no samozrejme aj hluk bol až do rána. Cez víkend pritvrdili a v piatočnú/sobotnú noc bol hluk do 3 do rána. Na ďalší deň si vedľa nás postavili stan asi 50cm - takže nebola šanca prejsť medzi upevňovacími šňúrami - tak som musel polovičku uchytenia zrušiť a dúfať že nepríde ďalšia búrka. V noci sme zistili, že vedľa v stane majú asi 2mesačné dieťa, ktoré sa chúďa dusilo celú noc( skutočne som sa rodičom divil, že sa nebáli o jeho zdravie). Sociálne zariadenia sa upratovačky snažili udržovať, boli však zúfalo poddimenzované a preťažené. Najviac ma však dorazilo, keď som prichytil upratovačku umývať mop z WC v dreze , kde sme si umývali riady! Bufetov je cez deň relatívne dosť, ale po záverečnej na kúpalisku t.j. 20:00 teplé jedlo už nezoženiete. Ani sa nečudujem, že po 4 dňoch som bol absolútne zničený(viróza, črevné problémy - škoda hovoriť) - takže za mňa už nikdy viac v živote. Štúrovo je inak pekné mestečko, Ostrihom ešte viacej, Budapešť blízko - ale tento kemp v žiadnom prípade nedoporučujem.
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Petr L.
Pobyt: Jul 2016
"Big disappointment - It's not a camp, it's an amusement park. From all sides ramus of music, comedians with carousels right in the camp, roaring of the eagle until morning, slamming of car doors all night long, etc. Stupid system of accommodation in the camp, when you are thrown from the entrance to the camp to the reception 500 meters away, where you have to stand in a half-hour queue to receive chip cards with which you only get into the camp. These are issued against a deposit of 2 euros, which is then returned to you by the machine behind the reception. You can only get to the campsite until 8pm, if you arrive later you will spend the night in the car park in front of the campsite. In the pools head on your head, the only deeper pool suitable for fooling around is guarded by an annoying lifeguard who constantly whistles at you if you jump the dart crookedly, or take the kids on his shoulders or otherwise fool around there. Kids with half-starts are uncompromisingly thrown out of the pool, I haven't seen so many pissed off parents and grandparents in a long time. Toboggans chapter for itself, queue up to the bottom of the tower, only two slides that can be ridden without an inflatable ring. The others only with one, but you have to get one first, it's an erarni ring. Those who don't have patience and sharp elbows won't slip and will throw away 4,50 euro for nothing. I have found that children are more considerate of each other than adults and are sometimes willing to lend the rings to another. Where a chubby, balding, gold-toothed man in his fifties bravely resisted the children's pleas to borrow a ring for perhaps two hours and didn't let it out of his hand the whole time. The whole swimming was absolutely nothing and about constantly harassing swimmers. When I left I was looking for the machine to return the cards and because of the queue at the reception which led to the outside I asked the security guard, who instead of saying here around the corner, waved his finger in some unspecified direction with the words outside mate mate sign there mate it mate draw. Luckily I only took two nights to try it out, with the idea of stretching it out. 2 kids, 2 adults, a small caravan on an area without electricity. Ca 65 euros for 2 nights. This is the first campsite I've left with joy and was looking forward to being away. For me never again. However, if you like to be around lots of people and disco style entertainment you will enjoy it.
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Existuju ďalšie 2 recenzie kempistu.

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Aktivity odporúčané hosťami

PartyPárty (2 Hostia)
SwimmingPlávanie (1 Hosť)
WellnessKúpele (1 Hosť)

Hosťami hodnotené ako „Vhodné pre“

Mládežnícke skupiny
Rodiny s deťmi do 18 rokov
Rodiny s deťmi do 12 rokov
Hostia so stanmi
Hostia so psami
Rodiny s deťmi do 6 rokov



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94301  Sturovo
Súradnice GPS
Lat 47.8, Long 18.70417
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Autocamping Vadas