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Camping Bijela Uvala

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  • Čistota sanitárnych zariadení

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  • Sanitárne zariadenia

Čo píšu hostia

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Bianca K.
Pobyt: Jun 2023
"Not again - Today I would like to tell you briefly about our arrival. I enquired about the campsite in January by email with the following information: 2 adults, 1 child, 1 dog, 1 caravan 7.60 meters long and the question of whether they had pitches with a sea view. We were promised a pitch in Zone Superiore Mare D. We arrived yesterday and were allocated pitch D 20. It looked very small on the map and I said so. The receptionist then told us to have a look at the pitch and if it was too small, to look there (zone C next door and pointed to the row). So after a day and a half's drive, we drove there at around 8pm to find that the pitch was unfortunately too small. We then parked on a pitch C4, as he had said. Then I drove to reception to change the booking. There the discussion began, which I would like to spare you here. In the end, it was about the fact that a number of seats were firmly reserved, for a fee of probably 120! euros. In our booked zone D superior mare there were still 2 seats available, all far too small. Of course, many categories had seats, but without a sea view, so completely different from what we had booked. Finally, a member of staff came with me on a motorcycle to have a look on site. He also found that all the pitches were too small. In the meantime, I was exhausted, disappointed and angry, because this was not how I had imagined our arrival. On arrival at reception, I noticed that a man was also totally unhappy. The second time, there was a woman next to me with similar problems, who then said whether she as a person was worth less than the others who had reserved the space, because we were both told that you could only reserve the zone and not individual spaces. In the end, two members of staff went back to reception to clarify the matter. They came later, by now it was 21.45, to show us another seat in zone G. Now there are
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Existuju ďalšie 3 recenzie kempistu.

Zobraziť všetky recenzie

Aktivity odporúčané hosťami

SwimmingPlávanie (112 Hostia)
MotorboatMotorový čln (43 Hostia)
DivingPotápanie (41 Hostia)

(35 Hostia)
(33 Hostia)
(27 Hostia)
(22 Hostia)
Vyhliadková jazda
(22 Hostia)
(19 Hostia)
(16 Hostia)
Pokojné prechádzky
(16 Hostia)

Hosťami hodnotené ako „Vhodné pre“

Rodiny s deťmi do 12 rokov
Rodiny s deťmi do 18 rokov
Hostia so psami
Hostia so stanmi
Rodiny s deťmi do 6 rokov
Mládežnícke skupiny



Camping in Bijela Uvala means relaxation in clean air, close to the beach and with numerous additional facilities. Here you will find peace and entertainment, sports and recreation, historical heritage and numerous tourist attractions. Be ready to experience complete freedom …and relaxation, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the ‘fast pace’ of life. You can choose between a classic and a luxury pitch. The classic pitches are between 70 and 110 m2 in size. They are suitable for a car/motorbike and a tent or a car and a caravan or motorhome. They can accommodate up to 6 people and have Wi-Fi and an electricity connection. A perfect choice for a family holiday in the countryside! The Luxurios pitches are between 110 and 120 m2 in size and are located directly by the sea. They are designed for a car/motorbike and a tent or a car and a caravan or motorhome. They can accommodate up to 6 people and have Wi-Fi, electricity and fresh water connections. Unique and luxurious are the private sanitary facilities, which are located in a prefabricated unit integrated into the surroundings. Guests have a shower cubicle, toilet, washbasin, mirror, hairdryer and an additional external washbasin, cupboard and fridge at their disposal. Campsite Bijela Uvala in Poreč has modern sanitary facilities, various shops, restaurants, sports and entertainment centres and a small harbour. You can swim in one of the four swimming pools or in the crystal-clear sea, which has been awarded the international Blue Flag. Other entertainment and leisure facilities can be found in the tourist Zelena Resort, which is excellently equipped with sports centres, a whole range of catering establishments with summer terraces with dance music and shops. We look forward to your visit!
  • Kategória kempingu:
  • Veľkosť stránky: 45 ha (Pozemné podmienky: Tráva)
  • Celkový počet ihrísk: 1821
  • Počet turistických ihrísk: 1454
  • Ihrisko pre obytné autá pred bránami: 0
  • Medzipristátie pred bránami aj pre karavany: Nie je k dispozícií
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Referenčná cena

Hlavná sezóna 59,90 €*
Mimosezóna 26,42 €*
*Dvaja dospelí, karavána, auto, elektrina a miestne dane za noc

Prevádzkové hodiny

15. May - 05. October




At the roundabout, take the second exit to stay on the E751 in the direction of Rijeka/Pula/Umag. Keep left and stay on the E751. At exit 5-Baderna, take the D302 in the direction of Baderna/Pazin/Poreč Centar/Parenzo Centar/D48. Follow the D302 …until you reach your destination in Funtana. The nearest airport is Pula, 60 km away.
  • More: Na mieste na kempovanie
  • V horách: Nie
  • Ďalšie veľkomesto: 5 km
  • Ďalšie mesto/dedina: 2 km
  • Vlaková alebo autobusová stanica: 5 km
  • Diaľničný výjazd: 15 km


Bijela Uvala 1
52452  Funtana
Súradnice GPS
Lat 45.191392680882764, Long 13.596665042991658
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Camping Bijela Uvala

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