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Camping Café Rio Côa

  • Prevádzkové hodiny: 01.06 - 01.09, 02.09 - 31.05 - momentálne v prevádzke
  • AdresaN16 Ponte de S. Roque6355-100 Mido, Portugalsko - Zobraziť na mape
  • OblasťMontanhas



# Café Rio Côa # Café/Bar & Campsite About 7km from Vilar Formoso, by the N16, there is a place next to the river that gives it its name, a place where you can enjoy the contact with nature. The …Café Rio Côa, being situated near a river beach where recreational activities - swimming, canoeing, fishing... - are several, offers a space where you can camp or even rent bungalows. And in the establishment itself, it is always possible to stop to cool off (not to miss the German beer!) with the company of the whole family. We are waiting for you! Camp site open all year, establishment open mainly in summer. Want to know more? Do you want reservations or information about the camping? Call 00351 271 513 960
  • Kategória kempingu:
  • Ihrisko pre obytné autá pred bránami: K dispozícii
  • Medzipristátie pred bránami aj pre karavany: K dispozícii
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Referenčná cena

Hlavná sezóna 11,00 €*
Mimosezóna 11,00 €*
*Dvaja dospelí, karavána, auto, elektrina a miestne dane za noc

Prevádzkové hodiny

01. June - 01. September
02. September - 31. May


  • More: 200 km
  • Rieka: Na mieste na kempovanie
  • Výška (nad hladinou mora): 580 m
  • Ďalšie veľkomesto: 3 km
  • Ďalšie mesto/dedina: 7 km
  • Diaľničný výjazd: 8 km


N16 Ponte de S. Roque 
6355-100  Mido
Súradnice GPS
Lat 40.61608, Long -6.91895
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Camping Café Rio Côa

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