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Camping *** Les Chapelains

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Výhody vášho Fanklubu

  • Voľný výber sedadiel (podľa dostupnosti)
  • Bezplatná zmena rezervácie do 15 dní pred príchodom (podľa dostupnosti)



By the banks of the Drôme in Saillans – Nature, Relaxation, and a True Camping Experience Between Crest and Die, just 45 minutes from Valence and Montélimar, Camping Les Chapelains ★★★ is a small, family-friendly campsite. With only 50 pitches, …5 mobile home cottages, 2 lodge tents, 3 Coco Sweet accommodations for a unique stay, and a vintage folding caravan, our campsite stands apart from the large chains that industrialize and standardize camping vacations. Here, you can unwind and reconnect with family, children, friends, or your partner – whether for a weekend getaway or a longer holiday. Enjoy the gentle warmth and sunshine of southeastern France in the shade of the poplars, and cool off in the Drôme, our natural swimming pool. Peace, conviviality, relaxation, and "slow tourism" are at the heart of what we offer. Our goal is to make your stay unforgettable – because the greatest compliment for us is welcoming you back to Camping Les Chapelains ★★★ in Saillans. Located at the crossroads of the Southern Alps and Provence, at the foot of the Vercors Mountains, our region is a haven for nature lovers, sports enthusiasts, and outdoor adventurers. Hilltop villages, stunning castles, Roman ruins, art, and museums – the Drôme also boasts an unexpectedly rich cultural and historical heritage. An Eco-Friendly Campsite At Camping Les Chapelains ★★★, our guests are not just visitors but also responsible citizens who care about the planet and support environmental and social causes. These shared values bring us together. We believe that, as a business, we can actively contribute to the economic, social, environmental, and cultural development of our region. In return, the region’s vitality enhances our quality of life, ensures access to essential services, and fosters local expertise. This creates a virtuous cycle, attracting new economic players, potential partners, clients, and suppliers – a true win-win for everyone! 🌿
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Výhody vášho Fanklubu

na mieste

  • Voľný výber sedadiel (podľa dostupnosti)
  • Bezplatná zmena rezervácie do 15 dní pred príchodom (podľa dostupnosti)
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  • Kategória kempingu:
  • Veľkosť stránky: 1 ha (Pozemné podmienky: Tráva)
  • Celkový počet ihrísk: 50
  • Ihrisko pre obytné autá pred bránami: 0
  • Medzipristátie pred bránami aj pre karavany: Nie je k dispozícií
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Referenčná cena

Hlavná sezóna 27,00 €*
Mimosezóna 23,00 €*
CampingCard logoCampingCard ACSI17,00 €
*Dvaja dospelí, karavána, auto, elektrina a miestne dane za noc

Prevádzkové hodiny

18. April - 21. September




Take the D104/D164 to the roundabout before Saillans. Turn off at the roundabout onto the D493, the campsite is on the right just before the village.
  • Rieka: Na mieste na kempovanie
  • V horách: Áno
  • Ďalšie veľkomesto: 15 km
  • Ďalšie mesto/dedina: 1 km
  • Vlaková alebo autobusová stanica: 1 km
  • Diaľničný výjazd: 45 km


Avenue Georges Coupois 1105
26340  Saillans
Súradnice GPS
Lat 44.6951, Long 5.1809
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Camping *** Les Chapelains

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