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Camping Ostsee - Campingpark Rerik

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Výhody vášho Fanklubu

  • Zľava na prenájom lode vo výške 5€
  • Neskoršie odhlásenie do 12 (podľa dostupnosti)
  • Detský tábor je bezplatný až do veku 2 rokov


Hodnotenia podrobne

  • Pokoj

  • Potraviny / Obchody

  • Celková čistota

  • Čistota sanitárnych zariadení

  • Stav prenajatého ubytovania

  • Priateľskosť

  • Infraštruktúra

  • Aktivity na voľný čas

  • Umiestnenie

  • Hodnota za peniaze

  • Sanitárne zariadenia

Čo píšu hostia

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Sven W.
Pobyt: Jul 2023
"the beginnings are there - We spent 12 days in Rerik at the "Campingpark Rerik" campsite. Our opinions of the campsite are very mixed. We really liked our "comfort pitch", even if the grass was dead due to the tarpaulins. The term "comfort pitch" was certainly wrong for us, water and sewage were not directly on the pitch. The waste disposal was far away from the pitches, which was good. In our opinion, however, that was the best thing about the site. The site instructions were so imprecise that if we had followed them exactly we would have parked our caravan in the dog shower. The sanitary building, which is highly praised in many reviews, was clean, although in our opinion the cleaning staff were fighting a losing battle. "One" building for a relatively large site is simply not enough for the high season, when there was already a queue in the men's area to go to the toilet. It felt like the Tour de France was underway at the campsite. Every form of transportation, including going to the toilet, was undertaken by bike and no consideration was given to animals, pedestrians or car traffic. This has often led to very dangerous situations. The campsite operator should fulfill his duty of care by setting up rules. Nobody can be blamed for all the rain this year, but the operator should take a closer look at the paths in such situations, as the more water that forms in the holes on the paths, the bigger the holes become. My conclusion about the campsite, the price is too high for the quality and service, the distance to the sea is too far. We won't be back!
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Existuju ďalšie 3 recenzie kempistu.

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Aktivity odporúčané hosťami

CyclingCyklistika (118 Hostia)
RelaxingRelaxácia (91 Hostia)
HikingTuristika (89 Hostia)

(79 Hostia)
Pokojné prechádzky
(25 Hostia)
(20 Hostia)
(16 Hostia)
Vyhliadková jazda
(15 Hostia)
(14 Hostia)
(14 Hostia)
Jazda na horských bicykloch
(11 Hostia)

Hosťami hodnotené ako „Vhodné pre“

Hostia so psami
Hostia so stanmi
Rodiny s deťmi do 12 rokov
Rodiny s deťmi do 6 rokov
Rodiny s deťmi do 18 rokov
Mládežnícke skupiny



Quietly situated campsite not far from the Baltic Sea and Salzhaff. The sea (350m) and the town centre (900m) are within easy walking distance. The European Baltic Sea Cycle Route runs directly past the site. Our site offers 250 pitches …for mobile homes, caravans and tents. In addition to toilets and showers, the site is equipped with washing machines, washing machines, tumble dryers and camper van disposal. Enjoy unforgettable romantic sunsets over the Baltic Sea or the sunsets over the Baltic Sea or cosy evenings by the fireplace. Our bistro offers daily freshly baked bread rolls, breakfast, small and daily snacks, drinks, ice cream, etc. For motorhomes, caravans or tents. Whether large or small, spontaneous or with booking, 1 night or several months. -Gas bottle exchange -free Wlan -incl. supply/disposal -barbecue allowed -incl. dog shower - Children's disco - bouncy castle - cinema - sauna - Fitness room - Kiosk The comfort pitch has a direct fresh water and waste water connection. It is approved for mobile homes and caravans with cars. The grassed plot is approx. 100m². 16 ampere fused CEE - power connection directly at the site. We operate one of the most modern sanitary facilities on a Baltic Sea campsite. In addition to all the comforts with wall paintings and a children's bath. So Baltic Sea camping already starts in the morning with good mood and fun: -Solar-powered - Water efficient - Consumption billing - Open 24/365 - Barrier-free - Underfloor heating -Service area - Washing machines/dryers - Children's bathroom - Bathroom for rent - Bathroom for the disabled - Mobile phone charging station We look forward to seeing you!
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Výhody vášho Fanklubu

na mieste

  • Zľava na prenájom lode vo výške 5€
  • Neskoršie odhlásenie do 12 (podľa dostupnosti)
  • Detský tábor je bezplatný až do veku 2 rokov
  • 23 € pevná cena za miesto vrátane 2 dospelých osôb, elektriny do max. 6 kWh na deň, detí do 6 rokov a sprchy mimo sezóny (presné termíny na webovej stránke kempu)
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  • Kategória kempingu:
  • Veľkosť stránky: 5 ha (Pozemné podmienky: Tráva)
  • Celkový počet ihrísk: 299
  • Počet turistických ihrísk: 299 (Z toho parciel: 35)
  • Ihrisko pre obytné autá pred bránami: 30
  • Medzipristátie pred bránami aj pre karavany: Nie je k dispozícií
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Referenčná cena

Hlavná sezóna 35,00 €*
Mimosezóna 21,00 €*
CampingCard logoCampingCard ACSI23,00 €
*Dvaja dospelí, karavána, auto, elektrina a miestne dane za noc

Prevádzkové hodiny

01. January - 27. December




A20 exit 12 Kröpelin (L11). Motorway junction A20/Wismar 105 to Neubukow. Then follow the signs to Rerik. In Rerik follow the signs to the campsite.
  • More: Na mieste na kempovanie
  • V horách: Nie
  • Výška (nad hladinou mora): 30 m
  • Ďalšie veľkomesto: 0,9 km
  • Ďalšie mesto/dedina: 0,9 km
  • Vlaková alebo autobusová stanica: 0,45 km
  • Diaľničný výjazd: 25 km


Straße am Zeltplatz 8
18230  Ostseebad Rerik
Súradnice GPS
Lat 54.11308, Long 11.631
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Camping Ostsee - Campingpark Rerik

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