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Daugu sala

  • Prevádzkové hodiny: 01.05 - 01.10 - momentálne zatvorené
  • AdresaMaironio street 119LT-64136 Daugai, Litva - Zobraziť na mape



Daugų sala is located near Alytus, 2km from Daugai town. It is a special place of 21 hectare for gatherings, sport camps, events, fishing, recreation and camping. Boats, motor boats and jet skis can be used on Lake Didžiulis. We …invite all guests to stay with tents, campers, cyclists, motorcyclists and so on. We have water trampoline park. Daugu sala have 2 volleyball courts, basketball court, football stadium, water bikes, kayaks, beach bar and so on. Our contact phone numbers. +37064725002, + 37068600811
  • Kategória kempingu:
  • Veľkosť stránky: 21 ha (Pozemné podmienky: Tráva)
  • Celkový počet ihrísk: 2000
  • Počet turistických ihrísk: 2000 (Z toho parciel: 2000)
  • Ihrisko pre obytné autá pred bránami: 2000
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Referenčná cena

Hlavná sezóna 20,00 €*
Mimosezóna 15,00 €*
*Dvaja dospelí, karavána, auto, elektrina a miestne dane za noc

Prevádzkové hodiny

01. May - 01. October




Daugų sala is located near Alytus, 2km from Daugai town. It is a special place of 21 hectare for gatherings, sport camps, events, fishing, recreation and camping. Boats, motor boats and jet skis can be used on Lake Didžiulis. We …invite all guests to stay with tents, campers, cyclists, motorcyclists and so on. We have water trampoline park and many more activities
  • Jazero: Na mieste na kempovanie
  • Ďalšie veľkomesto: 20 km
  • Ďalšie mesto/dedina: 2 km
  • Vlaková alebo autobusová stanica: 2 km
  • Diaľničný výjazd: Na mieste na kempovanie


Maironio street 119
LT-64136  Daugai
Súradnice GPS
Lat 54.3463218, Long 24.3837077
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Daugu sala

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