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Donau-Camping Kohlbachmühle image 1

Donau-Camping Kohlbachmühle


Hodnotenia podrobne

  • Pokoj

  • Potraviny / Obchody

  • Celková čistota

  • Čistota sanitárnych zariadení

  • Priateľskosť

  • Infraštruktúra

  • Aktivity na voľný čas

  • Umiestnenie

  • Hodnota za peniaze

  • Sanitárne zariadenia

Čo píšu hostia

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Alexa G.
Pobyt: Jun 2016
"Definitely not biker-friendly - We spent one night here and all the time we had the feeling that we were very unwelcome. They either can't or won't communicate in English, so we stuck with hadart German... In places it seemed that the kind owner (?) spoke in a way that we could not understand. After we had paid the 27€ accommodation fee (which according to their own price list was nothing like the correct one) without receiving any invoice, the aforementioned gentleman very graciously allowed us to eat in the restaurant, but only if we ordered there and immediately, because the kitchen would be closed, and promised to show us around the campsite when we were done eating. This was odd in that the German guests arriving an hour later could still order hot meals... The quality of the food was not a problem, and their terrace is really beautiful, situated directly above the Danube. Unfortunately, we could not enjoy the view and the delicious food and drinks in peace for long, because the above-mentioned elderly owner suddenly appeared with the request to move the motorbikes immediately, because they were in the way of a guest (another interesting fact: after more than two hours the owner of the car we were supposedly in the way of did not come). We would have complied with this request if the service staff would have let us - they practically made us pay our bill in a rush (at least we got one here) because they suddenly wanted to close again. I feel it goes without saying that the promised tour was cancelled, and we didn't have electricity either, even though we had paid for it...

Aktivity odporúčané hosťami

CyclingCyklistika (2 Hostia)
HikingTuristika (1 Hosť)
RelaxingRelaxácia (1 Hosť)

Pokojné prechádzky
(1 Hosť)

Hosťami hodnotené ako „Vhodné pre“

Rodiny s deťmi do 12 rokov
Rodiny s deťmi do 6 rokov
Rodiny s deťmi do 18 rokov
Mládežnícke skupiny



Der Campingplatz Kohlbachmühle in Untergriesbach liegt im Naturschutzgebiet Donautal direkt am Ufer der Donau und besitzt daher auch einen Anlegesteg für Sportboote. Insgesamt verteilen sich 60 Stellplätze auf dem großzügigen Gelände, darunter 40 Parzellen für Dauercamper. Im Landgasthof Kohlbachmühle können …Campinggäste aus einer umfangreichen Karte wählen. Besonders bekannt ist das Restaurant für Grill- und Fischspezialitäten, die im Sommer auch auf der Donauterrasse serviert werden. Aktivurlauber schätzen zudem das gut ausgebaute Wanderwegenetz in der Umgebung sowie die direkte Lage des Campingplatzes am Donauradweg, der von Passau nach Wien führt. Im Nachbarort Obernzell gibt es zudem ein Freibad sowie Tennisplätze und eine Wasserskianlage. Schöne Ausflüge mit dem Auto führen in das 20 Kilometer entfernte Passau, in den Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald oder in den Churpfalz-Park bei Cham.
  • Veľkosť stránky: 1 ha (Pozemné podmienky: Vydláždené)
  • Celkový počet ihrísk: 40
  • Počet turistických ihrísk: 20 (Z toho parciel: 20)
  • Ihrisko pre obytné autá pred bránami: 0
  • Medzipristátie pred bránami aj pre karavany: Nie je k dispozícií
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Referenčná cena

Hlavná sezóna 30,00 €*
Mimosezóna 30,00 €*
*Dvaja dospelí, karavána, auto, elektrina a miestne dane za noc

Prevádzkové hodiny

01. January - 31. December




Direkt an der Donau, 20km Donau abwärts von Passau entfernt zwischen Obernzell und Jochenstein.
  • Rieka: Na mieste na kempovanie
  • V horách: Nie
  • Výška (nad hladinou mora): 295 m
  • Ďalšie veľkomesto: 20 km
  • Ďalšie mesto/dedina: 2 km
  • Vlaková alebo autobusová stanica: 0,1 km
  • Diaľničný výjazd: 22 km


Kohlbachmühle 1
94107  Untergriesbach
Súradnice GPS
Lat 48.57333, Long 13.67139
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Donau-Camping Kohlbachmühle

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