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Strandcamping Groede image 1

Strandcamping Groede

  • Prevádzkové hodiny: 23.03 - 01.11 - momentálne v prevádzke
  • AdresaZeeweg 14503 PA Groede, Holandsko - Zobraziť na mape
  • OblasťZéland Juh


Hodnotenia podrobne

  • Pokoj

  • Potraviny / Obchody

  • Celková čistota

  • Čistota sanitárnych zariadení

  • Stav prenajatého ubytovania

  • Priateľskosť

  • Infraštruktúra

  • Aktivity na voľný čas

  • Umiestnenie

  • Hodnota za peniaze

  • Sanitárne zariadenia

Čo píšu hostia

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Gerhard B.
Pobyt: Oct 2023
"Endless beaches - We were guests of Strandcamping Groede from 11.10. to 19.10. Strandcamping Groede is one of the largest campsites we have visited so far. The Strandcamping has differently designed pitches, each of which has its own special features for motorhomes and caravans. different pitches for motorhomes and caravans. With the exception of sanitary building five, which consists of four fully-equipped shower baths the sanitary buildings are basically identical. The sanitary buildings were always clean and tidy during our stay. well maintained. During our stay it rained frequently and heavily, especially at night, but there was still plenty of rain on the pitches. puddles on the pitches. There are several beautifully designed playgrounds for children on the campsite. A swimming pool and a wellness area. We can't say anything about the snack bar, the food in the campsite brasserie is weak compared to the nearby beach houses, e.g. the Puur beach house. The beach is close by and can be reached in a few minutes. The beach is right at the entrance to the port of Antwerp, so on our last day of our vacation we were able to watch the Evergreen of a of the largest container ships in the world as it passed by. There is a separate network of paths for pedestrians and cyclists on the dyke - brilliant. The campsite also has a store where you can buy groceries and other everyday essentials. We really enjoyed the baked goods in the store. The campsite has its own app, which you can use to check in to the campsite and read off your electricity consumption, among other things. Dogs are not a problem at the campsite, there are certain pitch areas where dogs are not allowed. We liked it and will definitely be back.
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Existuju ďalšie 3 recenzie kempistu.

Zobraziť všetky recenzie

Aktivity odporúčané hosťami

CyclingCyklistika (127 Hostia)
RelaxingRelaxácia (101 Hostia)
SwimmingPlávanie (101 Hostia)

(58 Hostia)
(33 Hostia)
(31 Hostia)
Vyhliadková jazda
(24 Hostia)
Pokojné prechádzky
(20 Hostia)
Jazdenie na koni
(18 Hostia)
(18 Hostia)
(12 Hostia)

Hosťami hodnotené ako „Vhodné pre“

Hostia so psami
Rodiny s deťmi do 12 rokov
Rodiny s deťmi do 6 rokov
Hostia so stanmi
Rodiny s deťmi do 18 rokov
Mládežnícke skupiny



Would you like to spend your holiday on the Zeeuws-Vlaanderen coast? Then Groede beach campsite is the perfect holiday destination for you: a real family campsite on one of the cleanest beaches in the Netherlands. In addition to wonderful days …on the beach, you can also cycle, hike and explore the surrounding area. And how about a trip to neighbouring Flanders, for example to Bruges, Ghent or Knokke? The sea, the beach, the dunes and the polders make for an unforgettable holiday. At Strandcamping Groede you have a choice of different pitches, which vary in size and terrain. The pitches are between 80 and 100 square metres in size. Naturally, you can use all the campsite facilities and our motorhome supply station free of charge. The pitches are equipped with electricity and water connections. The modern sanitary buildings at Strandcamping Groede are heated and almost all have large family showers, children's facilities and special sanitary facilities for people with disabilities. Each sanitary building has at least one toilet and one shower with special grab rails for guests. Two buildings have barrier-free sanitary facilities for people with disabilities. During your stay at Strandcamping Groede you can use our fully equipped launderette. Did you take your dog for a walk and it got dirty? During your stay at Strandcamping Groede you can clean it in one of the dog showers. You don't have to leave the campsite for a good meal. In our brasserie you will find tasty, affordable dishes, even for the little ones. In the evening you can sit on the inviting terrace and enjoy the sunset, the conviviality and the activities on the central square where the brasserie is located. Especially for families with children, Strandcamping Groede has pitches with nice playgrounds on the site: the children's pitches. Some of these child-friendly pitches are even car-free. On public holiday weekends in the low season and during the Dutch school holidays, we offer a recreational programme. We look forward to your visit!
  • Kategória kempingu:
  • Veľkosť stránky: 28 ha (Pozemné podmienky: Tráva)
  • Celkový počet ihrísk: 1000
  • Počet turistických ihrísk: 710 (Z toho parciel: 85)
  • Ihrisko pre obytné autá pred bránami: K dispozícii
  • Medzipristátie pred bránami aj pre karavany: Nie je k dispozícií
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Referenčná cena

Hlavná sezóna 45,80 €*
Mimosezóna 34,50 €*
*Dvaja dospelí, karavána, auto, elektrina a miestne dane za noc

Prevádzkové hodiny

23. March - 01. November




Follow the A58 towards Vlissingen and from Goes follow the signs towards Terneuzen (TOL). There you drive through the Westerscheldetunnel (toll). From the tunnel exit, follow the North Sea Coast / Oostburg route. You will then come to the renewed …N61 and drive towards Breskens and then Groede. Follow the signs for Oostburg, Breskens and then Groede.
  • More: Na mieste na kempovanie
  • V horách: Nie
  • Ďalšie veľkomesto: 12 km
  • Ďalšie mesto/dedina: 2 km


Zeeweg 1
4503 PA  Groede
Súradnice GPS
Lat 51.39529446789382, Long 3.488124373016355
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Strandcamping Groede

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