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Tuutari Camping



Zatiaľ žiadny popis.

  • Kategória kempingu:
  • Veľkosť stránky: 7 ha (Pozemné podmienky: Tráva)
  • Celkový počet ihrísk: 200
  • Počet turistických ihrísk: 150 (Z toho parciel: 50)
  • Ihrisko pre obytné autá pred bránami: K dispozícii
  • Medzipristátie pred bránami aj pre karavany: K dispozícii
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Referenčná cena

Hlavná sezóna 32,00 €*
Mimosezóna 26,00 €*
*Dvaja dospelí, karavána, auto, elektrina a miestne dane za noc

Prevádzkové hodiny

24. May - 24. September
10. October - 23. April




Camping in Saint-Petersburg located on the territory of the Tuutari Park, Leningrad region,Lomonosovsky R-n, der. Retselya 14 By car: On Tallinn highway behind the Red Village turn to Gatchina highway, pass the village of villozi and move after moving through …800 meters to the left on the sign "Tuutari Park". From Victory square on the Kiev highway, to the intersection of the Red Village, turn right, then turn left on the square in the Red Village, turn left behind the Red Village on the Gatchina highway, pass the village of villozi and moving after moving through 800 meters to the left on the sign "Tuutari Park".


der. Resell 14 
188508  Lomonosov
Súradnice GPS
Lat 59.69367, Long 30.17818
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Tuutari Camping

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